Introduction to The Approval Process

Modern Campus CMS allows for all of us to manage content, make website changes, and help make sure the content is up to date and current

The PCC Website contains a lot of information. Keeping the information current and accurate relies on expertise from all areas of the campus. That’s where you, our content contributors come in. Modern Campus CMS allows for all of us to manage content, make website changes, and help make sure that content is up to date and accurate.

Beyond the content, the web team put a great deal of work and thought into the design style guide, the development of a web writing style guide and the organization of pages using an Information Architecture. These 3 tools were created to help maintain consistency in design, voice, tone, and site structure across the all of our hundreds of content contributors.

We created an approval process in order to allow for as many people as necessary to have access to manage content while also ensuring that the content is in fact accurate and that the website maintains design, writing, and structure consistency. With an approval process, content contributors will have access to specific pages that they are in charge of managing. When they are finished making their edits, they will send their page to an approver to review prior to the page being published to the live website.

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